Monthly Archives: March 2011

Dan Abnett – Embedded – Sample Chapters

Now, a few months ago, if you’ve been a follower of this website that long, you may recall that back in October 2010, Commissar Ploss gave us the cover at for Dan Abnett’s Embedded. With the release of the novel not too far away, Angry Robot books have provided us with a few sample chapters, which are looking interesting. Check it out for yourself:

The blurb for Embedded is as follows:

The colony planet of Eighty-Six looks as dull as all its fellow new worlds to veteran journalist Lex Falk, but when a local squabble starts to turn violent, and the media start getting the runaround from the military high command, his interest is seriously piqued.
Forbidden from approaching the battlezone, he gets himself chipped inside the head of a combat veteran – and uncovers the story of a lifetime. When the soldier is killed, however, Falk must use all his resourcefulness to get back home again… and blow the lid off the whole damn thing.
Full Disclosure

For you Self-published Types

Just to let all of you self-published authors know, if you have written a Science Fiction or Fantasy novel that you think would appeal to our audience, feel free to contact me, Commissar Ploss, via our contact me page. Give us a little information about your book and a touch on what the genre is. I’m well aware that when you self-publish, it can be difficult to get a proper review done of your material… i feel you. So i want to reassure you that if it fits into the science-fiction or fantasy genres you have a home here. :o ) we will be happy to review your book.

Commissar Ploss

Now Advertising through Project Wonderful!

Well everyone, I’ve wanted to let you all know that we are now accepting ads through Project Wonderful.  Basically, all you have to do is set up an advertisers account on Project Wonderful! and you can start displaying ads for free right now. It’s a bidding system, so the prices will probably change.  Right now, advertising is free so you can see what your impressions and stats will be. We have two Skyscraper spots available on the left side of the page and a leaderboard spot up top there. There will be two more ads spots that open up later, but i’m waiting to see how these do. The money that TFF makes through advertising goes directly into the site, so there’s not true profit.

If you are a book publisher who would like to advertise your new releases, or perhaps you’ve self-published, and would like to get the word out. we’re viewed by thousands of people each week and we’re still growing strong. We would love to see you advertise your books and products here on The Founding Fields.

Commissar Ploss

Black Library News – March 2011

Ok, BL fans, i’ve got the scoop on Black Library news for this month.  Why not have a look? It’s very interesting. :o )  It’s even got stats and rankings from Bookscan!

(Hosted in Google Docs)


New GK Codex Cover – Leak

Got this sent to me from an inside contact. Can’t say who, obviously. It’s been floating around the web for a few hours, so it’s not “new news” but i posted it on facebook, and now i’m doing so here. :)

Commissar Ploss

Full Disclosure

New Art from Black Library! – CORAX!!!

great news everyone!!! For those of us who attended BL Live this year, we got the opportunity to feast our eyes on some amazing new artwork. And now, I’ve got those images for you here on TFF.

this is the first time that Corax, Primarch of the Raven Guard has ever had any artwork done for him, or i should say, had any artwork feature him. feast your eyes! You can click for larger versions!

Commissar Ploss
Full Disclosure

Garro: Legion of One by James Swallow – Advanced Review [Bane of Kings]


Bane of Kings writes a short review of the Horus Heresy audio drama Garro, Legion of One, sequel to Garro, Oath of Moment. , published by Black Library. Both audios are read by Toby Longworth and written by James Swallow.

“Garro is back, and better than ever.”~The Founding Fields

Fall of Damnos by Nick Kyme – Advanced Review [Bane of Kings]


Bane of Kings reviews Fall of Damnos, a Space Marine Battles novel by the author of the Tome of Fire Trilogy, Nick Kyme.

“With just two books, Nick Kyme is already challenging Graham McNeill’s reputation as king of the Ultramarines.” ~The Founding Fields

Black Library Live! 2011 Chapbook – Review [LotN]

Lord of the Night reviews the yearly chapbook by Black Library, this year featuring the stories Necessary Evil by Rob Sanders and Deathmasque by Graham McNeill.
“Though only a small taste of things to come from Rob Sanders and Graham McNeill, these stories are definitely enough to whet your appetite.”
~The Founding Fields
Well, the chapbook arrived today and after about five to ten minutes of reading I had finished both stories, which since this is a limited edition product I will provide a brief synopsis of both so that others can know the story even if they were unable to obtain the book.
The first story titled Necessary Evil by Rob Sanders is an Inquisitor Czevak tale. Czevak arrives on a Daemon World named Nereus after stealing the Atlas Infernal. After taking in the landscape and noting that he is being hunted by many different groups. Chaos hunts him for what he could do, the Imperium hunts him for what he has done, and the Eldar hunt him for what he might do. Suddenly a shuttle crash wounds the Inquisitor and he is taken in by an underground society that work together to survive the Daemon World. His savior, a pregnant women named Myra takes him to meet the Curator where Czevak explains his presence. He is searching for an artifact named the Dreadstaff, an ancient Crozius Arcanum that belonged to the Word Bearers legion. He reveals that the warband of Azhek Ahriman is chasing after him and seeks the staff, however he is told that no tainted items are kept here. Unsatisfied with the rebuke Czevak follows the Curator secretly and learns that some of the colonists are Chaos cultists. Returning to Myra as the Thousand Sons arrive and begin massacring the colony he finds that the bell used to alert the colony of shuttle crashes in fact houses the Dreadstaff, he is able to throw it into the daemon-infested ocean where it will never be retrieved. Taking Myra and her child with him he attempts to escape only to discover that Myra’s child is a Genestealer, as is the entire colony barring the human Myra who is merely infected by them. Regrettably leaving her behind and the colony to their fates Czevak enters the webway portal, unsure of his next destination, wondering who will be victorious in the battle raging behind him, and who of the Thousand Sons and the Genestealers is the more necessary evil.
The sole character of import being Czevak the mini-story focuses on showing us a glimpse of what the renegade Inquisitor. I felt that he was very far from what most expected, he actually displayed sorrow at having to leave Myra behind and possessed more human instincts then some Inquisitors have displayed. I look forward to seeing more of him in the future.
The pacing was quite good and worked well with the limited span of twelve pages of story, but I felt that this story format was good enough to have been a short-story rather then a mini-story.
I give Necessary Evil a 7/10, a good mini-story that could have been a great short-story. Atlas Infernal cannot be released quick enough, I want it now!.
The second story Deathmasque by Graham McNeill takes place in Ulthuan, in Tor Yvresse during the Festival of Masques. A grim figure stalks through the empty streets as others flock to the festival, declaring that the things they celebrate, hope and love and the future are meaningless. He thinks of the goblin attack on Tor Yvresse that was bested by Eltharion the Grim and claims that he lost everything in those days. Meanwhile a travelling minstrel prepares to tell the tale of Eltharion to the gathered Elves as the unnamed figure makes his way through the crowd, seemingly intent on killing the minstrel and showing the people that the festival and what it embodies means nothing. However he is intercepted by a woman wearing a mask with a single tear falling from it. After claiming it would be unwise to kill her that it would anger her husband, who she claims is a great hunter named Kurnous the assassin declares her mad and attempts to move on. She follows him and debates with him about the virtues of hope and the future while the unnamed figure refutes her points, she continues tries to make him see the good side of the world and that it is not solely formed of doom and misery as he believes. As the assassin reaches the theater where the minstrel is to tell his tale the woman disappears and leaves him to his task, but surprisingly the minstrel asks him to join him on stage and together they will tell the tale of Eltharion. Together they perform the tale and as the assassin is about to kill the minstrel he sees the woman again and relents, changing his mind. He casts his mask away revealing that he himself is Eltharion the Grim who though his doom still remains he now has hope for the future and when asked by the minstrel, who knew both his identity and intention, why he changed his mind, Eltharion replies that he met a woman, and says that she was hope, simply hope.
I was genuinely surprised by the identity of the main character of this novel, and seeing the world from his gloomy perspective was quite intriguing and the mysterious woman, whose identity is quite clear when you think about it, was a good foil for him, espousing the values of hope and love. It made for quite a good debate.
The pacing of the story was quite good, as the assassin drew closer and closer the debate raged on and even without the mystery woman’s presence his own thoughts continued it on, until the final act when the entire story comes together in its conclusion.
I give Deathmasque an 7.5/10 as a good mini-story that shed some light on the inner workings of a very interesting character, and for one hell of a guest appearance.
I would recommend buying this while its still available. Its only £5 and thats a small price to pay for two quite good stories, even if you’ll likely finish them in under ten minutes.
Lord of the Night

A Brief Dialogue on Grammar and Usage – Editorial

It’s been a while since I’ve done an Editorial post on The Founding Fields, I’ve noticed so i think I’ll take this opportunity to do so. Lately, i was asked a question about grammar over on Heresy-Online, and i think i did a fair job at answering the member’s questions.  Why not have a read for yourself and let me know your thoughts. btw, when he mentions our “Most Eccentric”, he means me…  Apparently i was voted by the members to be the “Most Eccentric” staff member of Heresy-Online. lol

so here’s the question that was asked of me (i’ll even link the thread:

Originally Posted by Cambrius View Post
Okay, this might be an odd question, but it’s one I’ve been wanting to ask for a while. Access to editor types isn’t entirely common, so I’m taking advantage of the digital proximity of our Most Eccentric.

Commissar: How much does actual grammar come into play with creative writings in the publishing circles? For instance, I read the word “alright” in novels when every English class tells me it should be “all right”. Comma placement, paragraph breaks, sentence fragments… and so on.

The best answer I have been able to come up with thus far is that creative writings are art and therefore given more artistic leeway, but it would be great to have a more authoritative answer.

and my answer:
Grammar is actually quite important. Especially when you are talking amongst the publishing circles. When you write a piece of work, be it a story or a paper, you know full well what you’ve written down. Grammar, is what helps others to understand what you have written.

Example this paragraph is written as one sentence without any punctuation it is easy for me to read because i know what the paragraph is about and i can easily insert the necessary punctuation commas periods inflections into the paragraph within my own thinkspace head etc it does not make the paragraph easy for anyone else to read because they do not know where the stops and starts are as you can see for yourself

This paragraph however, does include the base punctuation necessary to understand the context. If i were to leave out the proper commas, periods and inflections you would never know how to read what I’ve written. Commas, as you’ve learned throughout years of English classes, are used in most cases to indicate natural pauses. Periods obviously indicate ends of sentence. Grammar, as presented in this paragraph, makes the whole of the text much more readable.

Now when it comes to how strictly editors/publishers look at grammar during the writing process… it’s a mixed bag. Although it’s safe to say that all editors would love for their writer’s works to be properly grammatical, it’s understood that not all writers are editors. If they were, there would be no need for a fresh pair of eye, and therefor editors would be out of a job. We couldn’t have that now, could we! I know that personally, i have a hell of a time editing my own manuscripts. Because I’m so used to how the story reads in my head, i sometimes (quite often actually) misread passages that I’ve read, subconsciously inserting words that aren’t there. Or actually missing duplicate words that shouldn’t be there, such as the classic “the the” issue. I provide my editors with job security by not writing a perfect manuscript, and they provide me job security by fixing my mistakes and making it sound a hell of a lot better than i ever could.

what it really boils down to is this; Write your story as if you were speaking it. Write it with all the natural inflections that we put into our everyday speech. It’s a narrative (usually) so, narrate!

now, your question on the topic of “alright” vs. “all right” comes down to specific dialects and “slang terminology” which are two separate dialogues in and of themselves. It’s alright to say all right. And it’s all right to say alright. It’s like asking someone to explain the difference between “specialize” and “specialise”. There isn’t any difference in definition. Simply the dialect of English. Where American English has a strong usage of the letter Z, the chiefly British dialects of English do not; substituting an S in its stead.

I hope this goes somewhere towards answering your question.


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