I’d like to welcome you all to our new stomping grounds! Woop! We’ve moved to a dedicated domain name and server! If you are frightened at all, don’t be! You’ll still get the same great news and rumors regarding various tie-in wargaming fiction, be it Black Library news, author appearances, instructional articles, author interviews, or book reviews, we’ve got you covered. Use the Google Friend connect module to follow us and get updates on our posts and whatnot. Make sure to check out
our friends on the “TFF Associates” page and have a look around. We’ve got you covered. 
Care to shoot me a message? Want to have one of your reviews featured here on TFF? Or perhaps you’ve got another question? Just use the “Contact Us” page and we’ll get the message.
Every month, I highlight BL Publishing with a report on their latest news. Stuff like New Releases, upcoming Print On Demand titles, Author appearances, shows, and other news are all things that appear in these posts.
I’ll be updating you all on the most recent author appearance dates periodically as i find them out. I’ve got friends within the Black Library that i ask periodically for these bits of information. Just simple stuff, but its important to us fans to know these things. Especially if you want to get a book signed by your favorite author!
So keep your eyes peeled and make sure you subscribe to our site, either through the Google Friend connect app on the sidebar or through our feeds, both posts and comments. I’ve installed Disqus comment software to our posts so that you can comment on anything you see here, regardless of how short and simple the reply may be. If you like something, let me know. Any and all feedback is welcome, and its very important to me to know what types of things you all are interested in.
If you would like to feature any of the posts found here, on your blogs or forums, please feel free! All i ask is that you post a line that you found the info here and the site address. that way, we both benefit!
Also, get in contact with me if you would like to have your banner and site added to our TFF Associates page. I’m going to be doing periodic features on each of our Associates and a little article about each site. This way, I help expand the wargaming community and all of us get exposure!
I also do a Featured Fiction post bi-weekly here and on Heresy-Online. Where i spotlight some of the best fan-fiction on the net. If you want to find out more about how you can get included in Featured Fiction, just head on over to the Featured Fiction page.
Please feel free to post any and all comments you have about anything here. I’ve installed Disqus comments to the site, so you’ve got multiple ways of posting and connecting with us.
cheers, and i hope this site will be around for a long time!
Commissar Ploss
David Ploss
I’m a bit of an awesome person.
I’m a semi-famous 40k Intellect and the Business Manager of Chique Geek Entertainment, LLC. www.chiquegeek.com. I’m a book reviewer and the owner of TheFoundingFields.com. Beware my wonky-ness…