Monthly Archives: April 2014

The Top 5 Must Read Comics This NCBD! (30 April 2014)


Milo, aka “Bane of Kings”, runs down the Top 5 Must Read comics This NCBD from a variety of publishers.

Green Lantern Vol. 4: Dark Days by Robert Venditti – Graphic Novel Review [Bane of Kings]


Milo, aka “Bane of Kings”, covers the fourth Volume of the New 52 Green Lantern series, “Dark Days”, written by Robert Venditti and with pencils from Billy Tan, published by DC Comics. 

“A book that sadly is full of wasted potential despite Robert Venditti’s strengths as a writer in his other work – Dark Days is a collection to stay clear of unless you’re up to date with everything Green Lantern and even then it struggles as a successor to Johns’ work.  “ ~Bane of Kings, The Founding Fields

Hellboy In Hell: Vol. 1 The Descent by Mike Mignola and Dave Stewart – Comic Review [Bellarius]


Giving a brief look at another Dark Horse publication, Bellarius gives his thoughts on Mike Mignola’s return to Hellboy.

“An excellent journey giving a look into the more traditional forms of evil within Hellboy’s universe, but one lacking direction.” – Bellarius, The Founding Fields

TFF Weekly Newsletter is now LIVE!!! [TFF Site News]

Hello my friends! I just wanted to briefly let everyone know that I have launched a completely new way to keep up with The Founding Fields! If you look at the top of the bigger of the two right sidebars, you’ll notice the TFF Newsletter sign-up box! simply enter your Name and Email address and you will receive a weekly digest of the posts from TFF.

Justice League United #0 – Friday Flash Review

Justice League United 00

Shadowhawk and Bane of Kings take a look at the first ever issue of a new Justice League title from DC Comics.

“A promising start to what seems like some really hilarious madcap adventures with a dose of seriousness.” ~Shadowhawk, The Founding Fields

Jeff Lemire gets the newly formed Justice League United off to an excellent start. Count me in for the long haul.” ~Bane of Kings, The Founding Fields

Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor – Review [Lord of the Night]

A very striking cover, one that I think depicts one of the biggest surprises in the book. But judge for yourself.

Lord of the Night reviews the fantastic third and final book in the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, Dreams of Gods and Monsters by Laini Taylor. (Warning: Do not read this review unless you have read both Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Days of Blood and Starlight, or you just don’t care about spoilers.)

“A finale that will definitely take a place among the greatest books that you have ever read. It is nothing short of remarkable, beautiful, electrifying, and will make you laugh, gasp, cry and cheer, and from the start to the very end, you will not want to put it down. Without a doubt one of the finest books I have ever had the pleasure to read.” – Lord of the Night @ The Founding Fields

Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor – Review [Lord of the Night]

A very eye-catching cover, one that makes you want to look deeper to see what might be there.

Lord of the Night reviews the gripping sequel to Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor. (Warning: Do not read this review unless you have read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, or you just don’t care about spoilers.)

“A sequel that maintains the original’s sense of wonder and magic, while also being a dark tale about war, broken love, betrayal and a search for a new way of life. A superb read all the way through.” – Lord of the Night @ The Founding Fields

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor – Review [Lord of the Night]

A very

Lord of the Night reviews the darkly magical Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor.

“A novel filled to the brim with wonder, wish-based magic, fantastic monsters and a terrible ancient war. Anyone whose ever wanted to read a fantasy that manages to be dark and wonderful at the same time, this is a series that must be read.” – Lord of the Night @ The Founding Fields

Top 5 Must Read Comics This NCBD! (23 April 2014)


Milo, aka “Bane of Kings”, runs down the Top 5 Must Read Comics hitting shelves this Wednesday.

Dinotopia: First Flight by James Gurney – Book Review [Bellarius]


Bellarius takes a look at the prequel establishing the series’ history, Dinotopia: First Flight by James Gurney.

“A step to far for the series, but an installment hardly without strengths.” – Bellarius, The Founding Fields