Monthly Archives: February 2014

Serenity: Leaves On The Wind #2 – Friday Flash Review

Serenity - Leaves on the Wind 02

Bane of Kings and Shadowhawk take a look at the second issue of the latest Firefly comic, set after the events of the movie Serenity.

An awesome second outing for Zack Whedon and company. Whilst Serenity: Leaves on the Wind may not see the return of the Firefly crew on screen, it’s the next best thing.” ~Bane of Kings, The Founding Fields

“Bored and uninterested. That’s all I can think of really.” ~Shadowhawk, The Founding Fields

Transformers: Dark Cybertron (Vol. 1) by John Barber, James Roberts, Andrew Griffith and Alex Milne – Advance Review [Bellarius]


With the last arc of IDW’s Transformers hitting trade paperback release, Bellarius takes a look at what the volume has to offer.

“Big ideas, big explosions, big impact. Everything a successful Transformers comic needs.” – Bellarius, The Founding Fields

The Top 5 Must Read Comics For This NCBD (26 February 2014)


Milo, aka “Bane of Kings”, runs down the Top 5 Must-Read Comics hitting shelves this new comic day from a variety of publishers.

Hellboy: The First 20 Years by Mike Mignola – Advance Review [Bellarius]


Bellarius sees what the celebration of Hellboy’s long history has to offer in Mike Mignola’s Hellboy: The First 20 Years.

“An excellent celebration of the character’s history and adventures, but not for the reasons you would expect.” – Bellarius, The Founding Fields

Star Wars: Maul – Lockdown by Joe Schreiber – Book Review [Bane of Kings]


Milo, aka “Bane of Kings”, covers Joe Schreiber’s Maul, the latest Star Wars tie-in novel focusing on the fan-favourite Sith character, Darth Maul – published by Del Ray Books and set before the events of the first Star Wars movie from the prequel trilogy, The Phantom Menace.

“A flawed but fun Star Wars novel, Joe Schreiber proves that he isn’t a one-trick pony and doesn’t have to rely on Zombie Stomtroopers to make Lockdown an entertaining read – but just don’t go in expecting a perfect one as the end result is quickly forgettable and not as excellent as it could have been.” ~Bane of Kings, The Founding Fields

The White Suits #1 – Friday Flash Review

The White Suits 01

Shadowhawk and Bane of Kings take a look at Dark Horse’s newest number 1.

“The art is tough to follow and the story is pretty bland in this first issue, so I can only hope that things improve in the next issue.” ~Shadowhawk, The Founding Fields

Cypress delivers some awesome unorthodox artwork in a decent noir comic that is far from bad, but it doesn’t quite meet its potential either. Time will tell whether it’s a mini-series worth sticking with or not” ~Bane of Kings, The Founding Fields

Star Wars: Kenobi by John Jackson Miller – Book Review [Shadowhawk]

Star Wars - Kenobi

Shadowhawk takes a look at John Jackson Miller’s latest Star Wars novel, set after the events of Ep III: Revenge of the Sith.

“If you’ve ever wondered what Obi-wan was doing on Tatooine between the events of Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, then this is the novel for you. With a western-style spin on things, this is the story of the man who was forced to kill a friend, who bears the guilt for everything that happened, and the man who wants to leave his troubled past behind. An awesome novel from start to finish.” ~Shadowhawk, The Founding Fields

The Emperor’s Blades by Brian Staveley – Book Review [Bane of Kings]


Milo, aka “Bane of Kings”, covers the debut epic fantasy novel by Brian Staveley, entitled The Emperor’s Blades, and published by Tor Books, it serves as the first installment in the Chronicle of the Unhwen Throne. 

“A very promising fantasy debut that impresses with a confident narrative, however it suffers from poorly written female characters and plenty of repetition and a tendency to over explain certain elements. Despite this though, The Emperor’s Blades for the most part, is actually an incredibly solid read.” ~Bane of Kings, The Founding Fields

The Seers by Julianna Scott – Book Review [Shadowhawk]

The Seers

Shadowhawk reviews the sequel by Julianna Scott to last year’s YA debut novel The Holders, an urban fantasy with an Irish mythology twist.

“A good novel, but the ending is a bit rushed and doesn’t quite have the climax I was looking for. Still, it is a good follow-up to its predecessor, which I really enjoyed.” ~Shadowhawk, The Founding Fields

Space Marine Battles: Malodrax by Ben Counter – Book Review [Bane of Kings]


Milo, aka “Bane of Kings”, covers Ben Counter’s latest entry in the multi-authored Space Marine Battles series, looking at the Imperial Fists Chapter and covering First Captain Lysander’s struggles with the Iron Warriors on Malodrax. This book is published by Black Library and set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

“A fast paced, fun and enjoyable read – Malodrax may not be the best Space Marine Battles Novel but neither is it the worst, with Counter proving just how well he can write the forces of Chaos. Unfortunatley, this comes at a price – and his Imperial Fists don’t leave as much an impression as they should.”  ~Bane of Kings, The Founding Fields