Okay, it’s my first time doing one of these things, so let’s see if I can get it right or not. After all, there’s always next year. Hopefully you’ll get used to my format as we go along. Regardless, let the Best of 2011 awards commence! *cue fanfare* Enjoy.
Monthly Archives: December 2011
11/22/63 by Stephen King – Book Review [djinn24]

djinn24 brings something a bit different to the plate for The Founding Fields, a review of Stephen Kings newest book, 11/22/63, an alternate history book about preventing the JFK assassination and changing history as we know it.
The master of horror brings us a thrilling book about a story we think we already know ~ The Founding Fields
Anarchy Books – Free eBook(s) Promotion! [Press Release]

***** PRESS RELEASE *****
Anarchy Books – FREE BOOK PROMOTION – 29.12.11
That’s right, Anarchy Books have a very special New Year gift for all you lucky shiny new Kindle owners.
Accursed Eternity by Sarah Cawkwell – Novella Review [Shadowhawk]

Shadowhawk reviews the second eBook installment of the Space Marine Battles anthology coming out next year, The Architect of Fate, a collection of four linked novellas by various authors.
“Mystery, Horror, Thriller, Goosebumps, Action, Accursed Eternity has all of this and more in spades.” ~ The Founding Fields
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins – Book Review [Bane of Kings]

Bane of Kings reviews the first book in the Young Adult Trilogy The Hunger Games, written by Suzanne Collins and published by Scholastic Books. It’s also scheduled to be released as a film next year.
“A Page-turning adventure that took me completely by surprise. The Hunger Games is a very good piece of Young Adult fiction. Believe the hype.” ~The Founding Fields
Death Masks by Jim Butcher – Book Review [Bane of Kings]

Bane of Kings Reviews the fifth novel of the popular Urban Fantasy Dresden Files series published in the UK by Orbit and with the title Death Masks. For those who haven’t read the previous novels in the Dresden Files series, there will be spoilers involved for anybody who hasn’t read the previous books in the series.
“I thought Butcher couldn’t raise the game after the fantastic Summer Knight. I thought wrong. A page-turning novel that will have you hooked right from Page One. If you haven’t read the Dresden Files yet, you don’t know what you’re missing.” ~The Founding Fields
Note: As this review is posted on Christmas Day, I might as well wish a Happy Christmas to everybody on TFF. Hope you got what you wanted :).
Prospero Burns by Dan Abnett – Book Review [djinn24]

Professional Modeler and avid bookworm djinn24 reviews Prospero Burns of the Horus Heresy series by Dan Abnett in this awesome series, published by The Black Library.
The history of the Space Wolves is uncovered in Prospero Burns ~ The Founding Fields
Killing Floor by Lee Child – Book Review [Bane of Kings]

Bane of Kings reviews Killing Floor by Lee Child, the first in the bestselling Jack Reacher series, published by Bantam Books in the UK.
“A fantastic page-turning thriller with a breakneck pace.” ~The Founding Fields
Consider Phlebas by Iain M. Banks – Review [Bane of Kings]

Bane of Kings reviews the first novel in the phenomenal Culture novels by Iain M. Banks, Consider Phlebas, with this edition being published by Orbit Books.
“Space Opera at its best. George Lucas, watch out. Essential reading for all Space Opera fans. Banks is a fantastic author. ” ~The Founding Fields
The Madness Within by Steve Lyons – Audio Drama Review [Shadowhawk]

Shadowhawk reviews the second audio drama from Steve Lyons, part of the unofficial Crimson Fists series.
“You want a proper horror story set in 40k? Look no further than this gut-wrenching audio drama from Steve Lyons who definitely has a strong grip on how to combine the two together.” ~ The Founding Fields