Tag Archives: Eternia

Upcoming: He-Man and The Masters of The Universe by Keith Giffen (DC Comics)

He-Man April 01b

DC Comics has finally announced an on-going series for He-Man and The Masters of The Universe, to be penned by Keith Giffen and drawn by Pop Mhan.

“This is fantastic news, something I’ve been waiting for since they announced the mini-series.” ~Shadowhawk

Full Disclosure

Cover Art: He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #6 (DC Comics)


The folks at ComicVine.com got an exclusive cover reveal for the final installment in Keith Giffen’s excellent mini-series run He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. This is what the cover looks like.

“Hands down the best cover in the series.” ~Shadowhawk

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe – Comics Review [Shadowhawk]


Shadowhawk reviews all the 12 issues of the new DC Comics reboot for the classic Hasbro toy line: four issues of the ongoing series, a special one-shot origin tale for Skeletor, and seven one-shot issues covering the various heroes and villains of the setting.

“The entire reboot has been a mixed bag, but the strength of the entire line-up is in the reimagining of all the old classic characters.” ~The Founding Fields

The Founding Fields - Blogged